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About The Trip

Day 29- Luna Park, Kotel, Give Kumzitz

givebus1 August 11, 2019

By: Atara Blatt

Today, on our last full day on GIVE, we had the opportunity to go to a super fun amusement park with an organization for kids with cerebral palsy and other physically deficiencies. We were able to brighten their day by taking them on the rides. We also had lunch with them. Then we went back to Mevaseret to pack. After we finished packing, we went to the kotel for the last time this summer. We got to hear a very inspirational speech by one of our advisors, Sara Gdanski. We also had the chance to read letters we wrote to ourselves and wrote new letters for our future selfs. We then davened at the kotel. We had dinner and a beautiful night activity. During the night activity we did 2 things. One, we all sat in a circle and closed our eyes. Talia Molotsky, the awesome bus director, picked a couple of people to go into the circle. Talia read a statement and those in the circle had to tap 3 people that demonstrated the statement. The second part of the night activity, the advisors wrote out the word GIVE using candles on the roof. We had an unforgettable kumzitz and went around saying a memory that stood out to us on GIVE. After that, we all enjoyed our last night together as a GIVE family.